

Models (defined as models within the SDK) provide predefined classes to facilitate interaction with PixelPay entities such as credit cards, orders, billing, delivery addresses, etc.

These include all the necessary definitions to cover most types of integration with PixelPay.

Within the models we can find:

  • Settings: SDK settings.
  • Environment: values of different types of environments.
  • Billing: billing information.
  • Card: credit/debit cards.
  • Item: all kinds of items for sale.
  • Order: order data.

Models are necessary, since they are the components that make up requests.


Settings contains all the properties needed to set up the SDK, such as saving merchant keys and the PixelPay endpoint.

Settings properties

Property Type Access Default
auth_key string public

API authentication key ( key ID ).

Property Type Access Default
auth_hash string public

Merchant API Authentication MD5 Hash.

When setting the auth_hash, this must be exactly the MD5 hash of the secret key. For example, if your merchant's secret key is c0c485c0-4515-11ec-81d3-0242, the authentication hash should be 79ac9a7ba7ced61faf750faa10e92037 .

Do not share the secret code of your business with anyone.

Property Type Access Default
auth_user string public

SHA-512 hash of the merchant's authenticated user's email.

When setting the auth_user, this must be exactly the SHA-512 hash of the user's email. For example, if your merchant user's email is johndoe@email.test, the hash must start with 59f9ec68a047719a30d2e52cb79f1306184... .

Property Type Access Default
endpoint string public ""

Merchant API endpoint URL. You can find your merchant's endpoint by following these instructions.

Property Type Access Default
environment string public

Commerce API environment. The environment can have the values of: live or sandbox .

Property Type Access Default
lang string public

Language set for API responses.

Settings methods

Function Parameters Return Access
setupEndpoint endpoint: string void public

Set up merchant API endpoint URL.

Function Parameters Return Access
setupCredentials key: string
hash: string
void public

Set up merchant keys for the API. Receives the merchant's identification key ( key ID ) and the MD5 hash of the merchant's secret key ( secret key ).

Function Parameters Return Access
setupPlatformUser hash: string void public

Set up the platform user. Receives the SHA-512 hash of the email of the authenticated user of the merchant.

Function Parameters Return Access
setupEnviroment env: string void public

Set up the environment. Receivess the new environment value, can have the values of: live, sandbox .

Function Parameters Return Access
setupSandbox void public

Save the default settings for sandbox: endpoint URL, merchant keys and environment type sandbox .

Function Parameters Return Access
setupLanguage lang: String void public

Save language settings for API responses.


Billing is a class that describes the properties for creating billing data in PixelPay. Billing data is required at the time of generating a sale or a tokenized credit/debit card.

Billing properties

Property Type Access Default
address string public

Customer billing address.

Property Type Access Default
country string public

Alpha-2 code of the customer's billing country (ISO-3166-1).

It is very important that the format described in the ISO-3166-1 standard is followed. You can review the location resources here).

Property Type Access Default
state string public

Alpha code of the customer's billing status (ISO-3166-2).

It is very important that the format described in the ISO-3166-1 standard is followed. You can review the location resources here).

Property Type Access Default
city string public

Customer billing city.

Property Type Access Default
zip string public

Customer's billing postal code.

Property Type Access Default
phone string public

Customer billing phone.


Card is the class that describes the properties for creating a credit/debit card in PixelPay.

Card properties

Property Type Access Default
number string public

Card number or PAN.

Property Type Access Default
cvv2 string public

Card Security Code.

Property Type Access Default
expire_month number public

Card expiration month date (MM).

Property Type Access Default
expire_year number public

Card expiration date (YYYY).

It is very important that the format described above (YYYY) is followed, for example: 2025, 2026, 2027, etc.

Property Type Access Default
cardholder string public

Cardholder Name.

Card methods

Function Parameters Return Access
getExpireFormat string public

Get card expiration ISO format (YYMM).


Item is a class that describes the properties for creating an item for sale.

Properties of Item

Property Type Access Default
code string public

Item identifier code or UPC / EAN.

Property Type Access Default
title string public

Product title of the article.

Property Type Access Default
price number public

Item for unit price.

Property Type Access Default
qty number public

Quantity of items.

Property Type Access Default
tax number public

Amount of tax on the item per unit.

Property Type Access Default
total number public

Full value of the item.

Methods of Item

Function Parameters Return Access
totalize Item public

Total price of the item by quantity. Whenever the price or quantity of the item changes, we can then calculate the new total with this method.


Order is a class that has everything you need to create an order in PixelPay.

Order properties

Property Type Access Default
id string public

Order ID.

Property Type Access Default
currency string public

Order currency code in alpha-3.

You can review the ISO 4217 standard to see the different currency codes available. Please note that you will only be able to use the currency codes available in PixelPay.

Property Type Access Default
amount number public

Total amount of the order.

Property Type Access Default
tax_amount number public

Total tax amount of the order.

Property Type Access Default
shipping_amount number public

Total amount of the order shipment.

Property Type Access Default
content List<Item> public

Summary of orders of articles or products.

Property Type Access Default
extras object public

Additional properties related to the order.

Property Type Access Default
note string public

Order note or additional instructions.

Property Type Access Default
callback_url string public

Order callback webhook URL.

The callback_url is a webbook that is activated when the transaction has been successfully paid, and it must be able to travel to an active server.

It is not allowed to use a callback_url that is not connected to a public domain (i.e localhost is not allowed ).

Property Type Access Default
customer_name string public

Name of the client of the order.

Property Type Access Default
customer_email string public

Customer email.

Order methods

Function Parameters Return Access
addItem item: Item Order public

Add item to product/item content list.

Function Parameters Return Access
addExtra key: string
value: any
Order public

Allows you to add additional properties to the order.

The additional parameters will be reflected in the sending of webhook data, and can be used for own or custom developments.

Function Parameters Return Access
totalize Order public

Calculate the order total based on all the items that have been added. Whenever the price or quantity of an item changes we can then calculate the new total with this method.